There are two primary state courthouses in Wake County: the Wake County Courthouse and the Wake County Justice Center. Make sure you know which courthouse you should be in so you aren’t late for your court date.
You should be in the Wake County Justice Center if you:

- Have criminal court
- Have a traffic ticket
- Need to obtain criminal records
- Need to file an expungement
- Need to visit the Wake District Attorney (8th floor) or Wake Public Defender (5th floor)
- Need to file a power of attorney
- Want to apply for a marriage license
- Want to get married in front of a magistrate during the week (9th floor)
- Need to visit the Raleigh city attorney’s office
- Need to visit the Wake County Register of Deeds
You should be in the Wake County Courthouse if you:

- Have a family court issue or court date
- Want to file for divorce
- Have a small claims court date or want to file a small claims action
- Need a copy of a civil lawsuit
- Need to file for a restraining order
- Are the defendant in a restraining order suit (DVPO/50B/50C)
- Have child support court
- Have family court mediation
- Need to file a civil lawsuit
- Need to pay a civil judgment
- Need an audio recording of your civil hearing
- Have a divorce hearing
- Want to legally change your name
If you still aren’t sure which courthouse you should be in in Raleigh, contact your attorney — she will be able to guide you to the right address and floor. The security guards and deputies are also very friendly and helpful and may be able to point you in the right direction.