We have handled numerous Misdemeanor cases. Let us navigate you through yours.
Contact us at 919-880-2124.
In North Carolina, a misdemeanor can result in something as simple as court costs and a small fine or up to 150 days in jail.
Sometimes it seems as simple as going to court and talking to a judge to get the charge dismissed, but this is not how criminal charges work in NC district courts. It is usually worth having an experienced defense lawyer on your side to navigate you through.
Pruden Feldmann Law handles nearly* all types of misdemeanors in Raleigh, including:
Larceny & Shoplifting
Possession of Marijuana and Paraphernalia
Reckless Driving
Driving While License Revoked
Open Container
Assault on Female
Local Ordinance Violations
Simple Assault
Resisting Police Officer
*We do not handle animal abuse/cruelty cases, but can happily refer you to someone who does.
Need to Reach Us?
Call us anytime for help. (919) 880-2124