Contact us at 919-880-2124
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Come to this page to find helpful resources for upcoming legal milestones, related court information, and fees.
Court Date
When is your next court date? You can look up your date here.
Type in your last name, a comma, and then your first name without a space in between the comma and your first name.
Please note sometimes your name will be spelled wrong in the system. If you cannot find your name, try your last name only, and narrow the search by county.
Court Costs
You can pay your Wake County court costs and fine two ways:
- Make out a money order to WAKE COUNTY CLERK OF COURT in the exact amount of your cost and fine. Take it to the Cashier on the second floor of the Wake County Justice Center at 300 S. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27601. Make sure you know your case number.
- Pay online here. Note that your court case number will include either “CR” or “CRS.”
Need to Reach Us?
Call us anytime for help. (919) 880-2124