What Is The Punishment For A Raleigh City Code Violation?


Did you receive a citation from Raleigh Police that lists the offense as a City Code Violation? Do you not quite understand what you were charged with? It’s okay; the assistant district attorney likely doesn’t know either until he or she speaks with the officer who cited you.

City Code Violations obtained in Raleigh are Class 3 misdemeanors. If you have never been convicted of a crime before (besides minor traffic violations), you are NOT facing jail time, but could be subject to community service, cost, and a fine. There are also ways to have the charge dismissed and expunged. Do not just plea guilty to get the case over with — speak to a Wake criminal defense attorney first.

Violations of the Raleigh City Code include, but are not limited to:

-Urinating in public view or on city property

-Smoking in a barred area

-Exposure of the female body to minors

-Abandoning a fridge

-Placing non-charitable advertisements on public property

-Shoe shrining (hanging shoes over a power line)

I have handled many Raleigh City Code Violations in Wake County Court. Many cases can be dismissed with a little work, but generally cannot be reduced because a Class 3 is already the lowest misdemeanor.

Call me at (919) 880-2124 for a free consultation on your Wake criminal citation.

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