A North Carolina DWI conviction cannot be expunged. In 2015 the N.C. General Assembly changed the law to exclude driving while impaired convictions from the list of crimes that can be expunged. However, if your DWI charge was dismissed or you were found not-guilty, it can generally be expunged immediately (depending on your past criminal history).
How Long Does A DWI Stay On My Record?
In North Carolina, a DWI will stay on your record forever. Therefore, it is incredibly important you have an experienced criminal defense attorney represent you on your charge. A DUI lawyer will look carefully at the police reports, lab reports, and videos to determine whether anything should be suppressed, meaning the court should not see it or hear it.
Can A DWI Be Used Against Me In The Future?
Yes, especially if you are convicted of a DWI within seven years of the previous DWI. You may have to have Interlock installed, and you also will be sentenced at a higher level and could receive jail time. It can also count towards sentencing points if you are charged with something in the future, such as possession of marijuana or larceny. A DWI conviction will also limit your ability to receive a prayer for judgment continued (PJC) on a traffic ticket or receive a reduction from a speeding charge to improper equipment.
Will A DWI Show Up On A Background Check?
Yes, most likely. Your employer may or may not care depending on what type of job you are applying for. It’s best to be upfront and honest about a DWI conviction in most situations.
How Can I Expunge My DWI Dismissal?
Contact a Raleigh DWI lawyer or Wake County Expungement lawyer for more information. In Wake County, it takes approximately six to nine months for a dismissed charge to be expunged. Email me at hello@paigefeldmannlaw.com or call at (919) 747-3244 for more information on expunctions.
Where Can I Find A DWI Lawyer In Wake Or Orange County?
Call the Law Office of Paige Feldmann for a free consultation on your Raleigh or Orange driving while impaired charge.