Criminal Defense Attorney

William Pruden is your defense attorney for a variety of legal problems. Whether it’s asset forfeiture, a criminal case, assault, or even a felony charge, we are here to personally lead you through the entire process.

William Pruden, J.D.

William Christopher Wood Pruden is an attorney at Pruden Law and a Military Intelligence Captain in the Army Reserves. William’s practice focuses on asset forfeiture, administrative forfeiture, civil asset forfeiture, criminal asset forfeiture, and criminal defense, including federal cases involving classified information and complex financial allegations.

William transfers his military training and experience into drive and vigilance at work, representing people accused of serious offenses and believing firmly in protecting the constitutional rights of his clients.

We Fight for You and Only You

We know you are stressed, otherwise you would not be seeking an attorney’s help. Let us take some of that stress off your shoulders. Pruden Law does not back down from a fight when there needs to be a fight, but we also carefully analyze every situation to see if there is a simpler solution to your problem. We promise to be kind, but tough when needed.

William has ample courtroom experience and are very familiar with court procedures and local rules. We regularly monitor case law and decisions in the General Assembly as well as Federal laws that could affect your case.

Practice Areas

When the government seizes an individual or business’s property, it is called asset forfeiture.

DVPO Defense Relationships break down and don’t always work out the way we planned. Sometimes, accusations

Illegal searches and seizures are more common than many people realize for law enforcement officers to engage in illegal search and seizure activities.

In North Carolina, a misdemeanor can result in something as simple as court costs

A felony does not necessarily mean jail time outside of your initial incarceration.

Being charged with a federal crime is a stressful and intimidating experience.

Free Consultation

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Great is a word that describes some of the best. The best of the best is Mr. Pruden, a complete bulldog and an exceptional attorney. Every small detail of the civil asset forfeiture law that needs combing through, he does with a GIANT sense of intellect, diligence, and comprehensiveness. Will beat every expectation that I ever had when it came to the realms of civil asset forfeiture. The guy is a complete professional, highly family oriented, found a niche in the law, and walks around with a sense of integrity that is unbeaten; so much that the media has interviewed him on his capabilities on multiple occasions (google it!). I truly am blessed to have crossed paths with Mr. Pruden!

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