An improper equipment conviction in a non-moving violation and will not statutorily raise your insurance.
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 20-132.2, and improper equipment conviction does not carry the penalty of any driver’s license points or insurance points. However, always check with your insurance company to make sure you do not lose the benefit of any safe-driving programs you may be enrolled in.
Am I Eligible For An Improper Equipment in Wake County?
First, not all counties offer an improper equipment reduction. Wake County does. In order to qualify, you must:
-Have only one other moving violation in the last three years (at most);
-Have no more than three moving violations in the last ten years;
-Have been charged with 20 mph over the speed limit or less;
-Been charged with 85 mph or under; and
-Take a four hour in-person driving class if you were under age 21 at the time you were stopped.
How Much Is An Improper Equipment?
In Wake, your fines and costs will be $263. You have 39 days to pay this and can do so online. The fines and costs tend to be higher in other counties. The fine and cost for an improper equipment is more expensive than a 9 over, but you may save significantly on your insurance costs over the next three years.
What If I Used The Equivalent Of An Improper Equipment In Another State?
In Wake County, the assistant district attorney will not reduce your charge to an improper equipment. Your charge will be reduced to 9 or 14 over, and you may have the option of a Prayer for Judgment Continued (PJC). Your attorney will advise you on whether or not you should use the PJC.
I Was Stopped At 21 Over The Speed Limit — Can I Still Get An Improper Equipment?
No, not in Wake County. The District Attorney’s office enforces the policy strictly. However, you may have options to keep your insurance from increasing. You need to talk to a traffic lawyer who can look at your driving record and determine whether your car insurance will go up based on your traffic citation history and whether anyone else in your household has used a PJC in the last three years.
Do I Need To Appear In Court?
If you hire a lawyer, no. The lawyer will appear for you. If you do not hire an attorney, you MUST go to court on your assigned court date to receive an improper equipment reduction.
Call William Pruden for a free consultation on your Wake speeding ticket. I can appear in court for you so you don’t have to take time off of work, pay for parking, or wait in a long line.