How Can I Keep My Insurance From Going Up?

If you received a speeding ticket or other traffic citation in Wake, Orange, Johnston, or Durham County, you may be able to keep your insurance from going up. Do NOT pay the citation online without consulting a traffic attorney first, otherwise you could risk a significant premium increase.

How can I get my ticket reduced?

Basically, you simply need to just ask for a reduction. Often, the Assistant District Attorney will not just give a reduction unless you comply with their requirements. These requirements may include:

  • A certified driving record;
  • An updated North Carolina license;
  • Proof you sold/registered a vehicle;
  • A four or eight-hour in-person traffic school; or
  • Letters from your car insurance company.

You may be able to get a reduction to a non-moving violation, a speed that won’t affect your insurance, or a complete dismissal.

How do I know what I need?

The ADA will usually tell you, but unfortunately this will require multiple visits to the courthouse over the course of multiple months. By hiring a experienced speeding ticket lawyer in Raleigh, Hillsborough, Durham, or Smithfield, you can avoid the pain of finding and paying for parking, waiting in line, and possibly taking the day off of work to go to court.

You may also be able to negotiate a lower rate with your car insurance company by taking a driving course. Each insurance company has different rules, so contact your agent for more information.

How much will my insurance go up if I’m convicted of a DWI?

Sadly it will go up a lot — it could nearly double. That’s why it is incredibly important to have a DWI attorney look closely at your case and find all possible arguments. Even if you are convicted, you may be able to receive a lighter sentence based on certain factors your lawyer will prepare you for.

If you have been charged with a motor vehicle-related crime or infraction in Wake, call William Pruden at 919-880-2124 for a free consultation on your charge. We are happy to advise you on ways to keep your insurance from going up.

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